Treatment for Hyperpigmentation Scars

Over the years we have seen many clients with hyperpigmentation scars. Hyperpigmentation scars can happen for many reasons, but the most common cause is trauma to the skin and stretch marks.

Just a few years ago, we could not do much for these types of scars. Since the 1540 Fractional hit the cosmetic world, things have changed. The 1540 Fractional is an amazing technology that was originally geared toward collagen stimulation, but later it was discovered that it also stimulates melanin and evens out skin tone. This discovery led to the first FDA approval for striae gravidarum, commonly known as stretch marks.

News that the 1540 Fractional works on white scars broadens the scope of what can be treated.

We treated one woman in her mid-50s with acne scars on her back. The acne scars appeared white and she felt very self-conscious about them. Because of the scars, she felt she could never wear a bikini. After treatment with the 1540 Fractional, the scars faded into her natural skin colouring and were barely noticeable. She was thrilled to wear a bikini top last year for the first time in years.

Another woman we treated had scars on her lower legs that were so white, she was not comfortable wearing a skirt or dress. After just four treatments she was able to show her legs without noticing that a scar had ever existed.

1540 Fractional has very little down time, and there is no chance of infection because the skin stays intact. Most clients will notice results after just two treatments, but four to eight treatments may be recommended depending on the severity of the scar.

If you need any further guidance please contact Pure Light Laser Clinic in Vancouver.

This article was written by Pure Light Laser